I'm Home!
I just wanted to let you all know that I made it home safely! The team arrived in Portland at 11:30am and were greeted by friends and family who were excited to see us:) Since I've been home, my parents have received an earful as I've shared story after story of the kids I played with, the people I met on trains, and the crazy experiences that always happen on a trip to India. In the next couple days I'll be updating the blog with more stories to fill you in on my trip, but for now I thought I'd share some pictures with you.
Happy Home... Saying goodbye to Happy Home
Safari... Some hungry monkeys walking around the park
Creepy hyena...I wasn't a big fan of this one
Jog Falls... The view of Jog Falls from the top...before we started the hike
Reema and I at the viewpoint overlooking the falls The crazy monkeys are everywhere!
Looking up at the falls...it was such a beautiful day!
Tiffany, Tony and I — the three brave ones that went the farthest on the hike (plus a few friendly Indians that wanted in on our picture!)
...more pictures and stories to come!
wow... what an experience...
i know your dad... from a long time ago..
have him get in touch with me through my blog... if you would be so kind...
thanks and God bless,
mark miller
You are a wonderful young woman-I really enjoy checking in on you and your family from time to time-thanks for blessing me with your words this morning.
Rhonda Haigh
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