Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Plan...

Saturday is quickly approaching...the day I'll head for the airport and hop on a plane to India!! As I've been counting down the days, I just keep getting more and more excited for the journey ahead. I've seen so many pictures of the sweet orphans that live at Happy Home and heard so many stories of Irene, the woman who took these children into her home and off the street. I still can't believe I have been given the opportunity to go to India again...just one year later! I'm so thankful for the financial support I've received and for the friends and family who have committed to pray for me while I'm gone.

I wanted to share with you the "plan" for our time in India. Going to never know what to expect, so there is a very good chance our trip won't end up following the itinerary exactly. However, it gives you an idea of our schedule for the next couple weeks. Thanks again for keeping me and the team in your prayers!!


July 5th: Depart PDX at 1:05 PM headed to Frankfurt, Germany.

July 6th: Arrive in Frankfurt at 8:20 AM and catch connector flight to
Bangalore, India at 11:35 AM. Arrive in Bangalore, India at 11:50PM,
meet Roshan and head to the bus. Please pray for safety in our travels.

July 7th: Depart Bangalore on an early morning bus to Shimoga
(6-7 hour bus ride). Pray for the team as we will be experiencing major
jetlag along with a rough ride. Arrive in Shimoga, check into hotel
rooms, unpack, and head to the orphanage to meet the children!

We will be in Shimoga, India at Happy Home For the Handicapped for a little over
a week ministering to the orphans and widows. We are there to serve in any
way they see fit. This will include: laundry, preparing and serving meals,
mopping floors, doing physical therapy with the children, painting,
building, and encouraging our brothers and sisters in Shimoga, India.
Pray that Irene, Roshan, and Reema (mother, her son and daughter)
would be encouraged and blessed this week.

July 14th: Leave Shimoga for Ongole via overnight train.
Please pray that we would be patient with one another,
and that God would bring us together in unity.

July 15th: Arrive in Ongole.

July 15th-17th: Meet up with Simpson Rebbavarapu, director of
Beulah Ministries – an orphanage and school for over 300 children.
While serving with Simpson, we will be teaching bible studies,
helping the staff,and loving the children. Pray that this ministry would
always seek
to glorify God and would follow Him in all they do.

July 18th: Depart Ongole on an overnight train to Agra.

July 19th: Arrive in Agra.

July 20th: Visit the Taj Mahal. Depart Agra on overnight train to Delhi.

July 21st: Depart by plane from Delhi to Bangalore at 5:50 PM.
Arrive in Bangalore at 8:30 PM.

July 22nd: Depart Bangalore at 2:05 AM for Frankfurt.
Arrive in Frankfurt at 8:00 AM. Depart Frankfurt at 9:45 AM for PDX.
Arrive in Portland at 11:20 AM. Please pray for our transition back
into the States, both physically and spiritually.

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Uganda Photos (click on photo to change)

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the latest on the sells

As of May 27, 2009...

Wow, it's been almost a year since we've updated this. Our family had a wonderful experience traveling to Uganda two summers ago, which prompted us to keep a journal on this blog. You can read our daily journal from our month long trip

This year brings new adventures. Our eldest daughter, Courtney, after graduating from George Fox University with honors, left for her third trip to India to spend nearly a YEAR to work at Happy Home for the Handicapped in Shimoga, India. You can read about her first trip to India and the impact it had on her life here. She'll also give us new updates from her current trip on this site (here). As of this writing, she is just starting to settle in and is very excited to be there. She has been looking forward to this for a long time!

Meanwhile, Hillary spent all of last year
touring the western U.S. with Matsiko, the choir of children we grew to love as our own in Uganda. She journalled about her experiences in Uganda if you'd like to see what that was like. At some point during this tour, she felt led to join the U.S. Army. Quite a big decision, and one she didn't take lightly. After moving through Basic Training with flying colors, she is now at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio training to become a combat medic. It's a very intense training, but we're sure she'll do well. Our whole family was able to travel to South Carolina to watch her graduate from Basic Training. What an awe inspiring experience!

Leslie is having a great year of teaching 5th graders. She's also in a Master's program, which takes a good chunk of her time. She's still finds time to read a TON of books. Literally, a ton!

Curt was overwhelmed by his experience as a first time overseas traveler and kept up his journal here (you can also read his random posts on everyday life here). The busyness of life and keeping track of his traveling kids has slowed down his writing, but he hopes to begin writing on a regular basis again soon.